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差の湯の会 in 小田原
Sa-no-yu in Odawara

差の湯の会 転がる身体
Never Ending Expansion



今となっては東京までは新幹線を利用すれば30分ほどで向かうことができる。いやこのコロナ禍で急速に普及したテレワークであれば、今すぐにでも喧騒とつながってしまうだろう 。





It is said that the famous businessmen known as the three tea masters of modern Odawara indulged in tea ceremonies with friends and intellectual in Odawara to relax away from the hustle and bustle of working place in Tokyo. It is said that one of the reasons why Takashi Masuda (tea master name: Douno)  built his tea house here was that he could not be called back to work if it was four hours away from Tokyo.


Nowadays, you can get to Tokyo in 30 minutes by bullet train. No, you'll be able to connect with the hustle and bustle anytime with telework, which has spread rapidly with this corona disaster .


It seems that in order to create a space for dialogue and deepen communication, we need to have a distance that is both temporal and emotional. But now, how can we maintain this distance?


This time, Sa-no-yu will take over the tea ceremony "Necha no Yu", a tea ceremony said to have been performed by Hojo Ujishige, which is introduced in some of the manuscripts of "Hojo Ki", the history of the rise and fall of the five generations of the Odawara Hojo clan. I wonder where the body will go as it lies in bed, fiddling with its smartphone and dreaming of virtual space. I hope you will visit Odawara and enjoy curing yourself while maintaining the distance between reality and virtual space.

4つの差の湯 The Four Sa-no-yu



​ファシリテーター 奥本素子(北海道大学CoSTEP 准教授)

In this sanoyu, we will be lying on the artwork and talking with the audience.

We are looking for a few people who can join Sanoyu in the Odawara space on the day of the event. The number of people is limited, so please take one seat per person. Please bring your smartphone with the Zoom application on the day of the event. The dialogue will also be streamed online outside the venue.


Facilitator: Motoko Okumoto

(Associate Professor, CoSTEP, Hokkaido University)



Assembly of Root

Are plants really reticent?
We will seek the aspect of plants that dynamically interact with the environment that we don't know, and think about communication for survival.
Capacity for on-site participation: 3 seats

内海俊介 さん Syunsuke Utsumi
北海道大学北方フィールド圏フィールド科学センター  准教授
Hokkaido University Associate Prof.





Assembly of plum


The preface to the plum blossoms in the Manyoshu, which gave rise to the original name "Reiwa," was actually a rap battle of the time? In Odawara, a place famous for its plum blossoms, we will discuss the creative activities of ancient times.
Capacity for on-site participation: 2 seats

七田麻美子 さん Mamiko Shichida
埼玉大学 基盤教育研究センター 准教授
Saitama University Associate Prof.








Assembly of Necha no Yu

The basis of the concept of the objects in the sa-shitsu was the sleeping tea ceremony proposed by a warlord of the Hojo clan. Let's talk about the Hojo clan, which gave birth to the idea of bedtime tea ceremony, which can be done easily for health and relaxation, and the land of Odawara, which nurtured this perspective.
Capacity for on-site participation: 1 seat remaining

森暁子さん Akiko Mori

お茶の水女子大学 グローバル女性リーダー育成研究機構 グローバルリーダーシップ研究所  特任アソシエイトフェロー
Ochanomizu University Associate fellow


Assembly of expansion

How do our senses change as we walk through reality and its digital extensions? In this assembly, participants will think about the place of the real in the rapidly developing world of digital communication.
Capacity for on-site participation: 1 seat left

渡辺健太郎 さん Kentaro Watanabe
産業技術総合研究所   主任研究員
​AIST Fellow



旧瀬戸米穀店(小田原市 本町)



場所 Place


Collaboration  with Odawara Shiromachi Art Project



The Sa-no-yu will be held in the Sa-sitsu, an art work set up at Odawara shiromachi art puroject.

​小田原城町芸術祭 公式Facebook/ Facebook page



This event is also co-sponsored by CoSTEP, Hokkaido University, as part of their science and technology communication program.


CoSTEP Website

差の湯の会÷(阿部乳坊・今西勇太) Sa-no-yu ÷(Nyubo Abe・Yuta Imanishi)


Assemble Sa-noyu


阿部 乳坊
Nyubo Abe

阿部乳坊(1982ー)は2000年ごろから木を用いての彫刻作品を多数制作。不可視な人間の内面や背景を可視化するため、身体性の拡張を試みるため、 彫刻という技法を用いて腕の長い作品を制作している。現在は映画やテレビなどのCG合成で使用されるクロマキーグリーンをデジタル世界の象徴的な色であると認識し、デジタル世界への拡張、身体世界との行き来の表現を、主に彫刻作品を通して試みている。 現在台湾在住。

今西 勇太
Yuta Imanishi

1991年、 大阪府大阪市生まれ。鋳物職人の小杉晶とのアートユニット「レンタルズ」として労働を捉えなおす遊戯的なパフォーマンス作品を発表している他、映画美術としてメディアを問わず油彩や彫刻、アニメーションを手掛けている。個人の作品としては土地や人物の歴史を複数のメディアの中で行き来させることで、解釈の解体や転換を試みている。

The Sa-no-yu is a place of communication to discuss science in the form of a tea ceremony. The event was initiated by Motoko Okumoto and Nyubo Abe in 2013, and since then it has been held irregularly with artists, researchers, and local cultural facilities. It has been held in Fukushima, Kanagawa, Kyoto, and Hokkaido so far.

Abe Nyubo (1982-) has been creating a number of sculptures in wood since around 2000. In order to visualize the invisible inner world and background of human beings, and to try to expand the physicality, he uses the technique of sculpture to create works with long arms. Currently, he recognizes chroma-key green, which is used in CG synthesis for movies and TV, as a symbolic color of the digital world, and is attempting to express the expansion into the digital world and the coming and going of the physical world, mainly through his sculptures. He currently lives and works in Taiwan.

Born in Osaka, Japan in 1991. As an art unit "Rentals" with Akira Kosugi, a foundry worker, he has been presenting playful performance works that reconsider labor, and as a film artist, he has been working on oil paintings, sculptures, and animations in any media. In his personal work, he attempts to deconstruct and shift interpretations of the history of land and people by moving them back and forth among multiple media.

主催 小田原城町芸術祭/差の湯の会  Organized by Odawara Shiromachi Art Festival / Sa-no-yu assemble
共催 北海道大学 CoSTEP Co-organized by CoSTEP, Hokkaido University

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